Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obamas Weaknesses

I have been following Andy Martin's Blog while he has been in Hawaii - looking for things about Obama that could make him objectionable az President. He has offered little facts to back up his thesis statement (my paraphrasing) that Obama is an emotionally troubled and scarred man b-cuz of tha relationships with his mom and "toot." It's not that I don't think he may be correct in this assumption, I could even take some of his conclusions to even further speculations. It's that I was hoping that someone with his investigative experience could offer some facts concerning his conclusion. I'm sure he has uncovered facts that are pertinent to his findings - I just would like to see some quotations of people Obama knew from Hawaii - or records - or documentation - so that i can either put to rest my own concerns of an "Obama Nation" - or help spread the work of Mr. Martin to other concerned voters.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tha Language that I Speak

I've decided to post this blog in tha language that i actually speak in. My thoughts flo more readily when i write tha wordz az i pronounce them. what iz up with this country? iz this all preplanned to validate tha fact that tha entire nation may b on tha verge of collapse. I feel now that it may be a conspiracy to provoke Obama into goin to Hawaii - cuz he knoz that in a short time tha entire nation will be rioting and that - it will be an excuse to shut tha nation down to regain control. who iz involved in tha conspiracy to set americaablaze? they are using the hopeful minorites az pawns! hopeful that it iz possible in tha united states of america - in tha year of 2008 - to be elected president az a black man. My visions must be sum kinda joke! I see upheaval in tha likes that this country haz never seen - if it iz true that Obama iz not a natural born citizen of this country -n- yet he had the "Audicity of hope" to think he could not only run for president - but lead tha polls - without actually being qualified. do you kno how angry tha masses of minorities are gonna be if he had that kinda audacity - to give em hope - if it turns out that he iz a fraud. No tha masses will not rebel at tha notion that he will no longer be president - but that he had the audicity in tha first place to mislead so many who believed in hope in tha first place. my thoughts r crazy right now - of all tha implications obama's audacity could bring on - if it iz discovered that he iz indeed a fraud. I hope for tha sake of all those who do dare to dream tha dream of dr. Marin Luther King That obama represents to tha fullest those who need tha audacity of hope!

Who is Barack Obama?

There is nothing more than I would like to do as embrace a candidate for president like Barack Obama. He represents the individual in this nation to tha fullest! His heritage is one of diversity and he indeed represents America as the melting pot that some refer to it as. He has had the opportunity to see the cultural make up of this country from the inside of the two most dominant cultural groups that reside in this nation - but as somewhat of an outsider to both. I have a lot in common with this man. I understand some of the confusion that lies within experiencing immersion in the diversity of different groups - but never feeling completely accepted by any. I understand witnessing the oppression of one group by the other and wanting to do something to change that. But yet I find my self somewhat uneasy with this man, Barack Obama. My uneasiness lies within the fears I have for my own multicultural family - for you see - I am the single mother of two boys - of two different dads - and within the three of us is the blood of all the races on the earth - and I understand the pressures that may come about them to conform to one group or another. I fear that if they represent themselves as the individuals that they truly are - one group or the other will not validate them - and will label them as not black enough - or not white enough - or not Hispanic enough - or not native enough. I feel for Barack Obama and the pressures he is under as a bi-racial American in the year of 2008. His journey that has taken him on the road to president - could not have come easily and I suspect he is quite accustomed to knowing how to "act" to get the approval of whichever social situation he finds himself in. I too am gifted at doing this - for even as I write this blog - I am targeting an audience who I think will read this blog. I will add to this blog as more thoughts come to me - because I am not sure where exactly it is that I am going with this. I haven't found the words to describe the reasons I am distrustful of Barack Obama without offending any one - or even many.